Physics of Telescopes
This course goes beyond the simple yet important explanations of the workings of telescopes.
We will go deep inside and understand the laws of physics that govern the optics and make telescopes work for us. We will use many equations with examples to actually see these laws making sense to us. This course will also include practical use of various telescopes’ designs.

Level - Beginner
This course is designed for astronomy amateurs and enthusiasts!
1-Day Program
The duration of this course is around 4 hours
AED 500
We offer discounts for DAG Members
Verified Certificate
Certificate presented by Dubai Astronomy Group
Course Outline
PART 1 – Nature of light
- Physics of Waves
- Physics of Particles
PART 2 – Fundamentals of Optical Physics
- Science of Refraction
- Science of Reflection
PART 3 – Earth’s Atmosphere
- Composition & Behavior with light
PART 4 – Fundamentals of Optical Imaging
- Science of Optical Imaging
- Ray Optics
PART 5 – Fundamentals of Science of Telescopes
- Inner workings of Telescope
- Science of Telescopes’ Optics
- Terminologies & Formulae: Light gathering power, Resolving Power, Magnification, Focal Plane. etc.
PART 6 – Various Optical Designs
- Goods and Bads of Optical Designs
PART 7 – Detectors
- Engineering of Human Eye
- Photon Detectors
- Signal to Noise Ratio